Non-Denominated Shares
Shares that - instead of giving a fixed money amount - sound to a portion of a firm without specifying its relative or nominal participation in it (piece stock) or with a determined share of the registered capital (share) of the company. Shares may represent a part of the share capital or the share of a company’s total amount of assets.
Tribal Shares
Ordinary shares, which represent the most common issued shares. Shareholders have the right to take part in the profits generated (called “dividend right”), general meetings, and liquidation balance. The contrary to an ordinary share is called a priority share.
Bearer Shares
Also called anonymous shares, they don’t list their owners in any register that’s publicly accessible, nor do they list their names on the stock themselves. Bearer shares are different from book-entry ones because they’re not recorded anywhere. As such, delivering a bearer share can only be done by physically handing it over from person to person.
Registered Shares
These are tied to a single shareholder. That means that only the registered individuals on the list are able to take use the rights tied to these shares.
Registered Shares/Registered Shares
It sounds on behalf of their respective owner. They can be only be transferred to other individuals if signed by their current owner on the endorsement or reverse side.
Stock’s On Owner
Bearer shares belong to one shareholder, and they must be manually handed to a new owner, who then becomes the shareholder automatically. Issuers may not know the new shareholder in advance. Most of the publicly traded shares are of the bearer type, which makes them easier for trading.
Priority Actions
These shares feature preferential rights, which mostly regards the distribution of both profits and liquidity balance when faced with bankruptcy. They can also come equipped with voting rights. However, the most common type is the non-voting variety, which lets shareholders acquire their funds without altering the rights to vote at general meetings.
Priority Shares
These shares give shareholders of ordinary shares the payment of preferential dividends plus a share in the balance for liquidation. Nevertheless, holders of preference shares may see their rights limited by articles of association of a joint stock company; an example of these limits is the impossibility to vote in general meetings.
Public Float
All company shares that are circulating are engaged in trading activities. These stocks aren’t held by major shareholders or management, who usually control most shares.
It’s an individual that owns a number of shares from a joint stock company. Shareholders are entitled to a percentage of the profits made by the company as well as its management, depending on the volume of shares owned by the individual.
Shareholder Majority
Shareholders who own the biggest amount of shares within a company, or who acts in cooperation with other shareholders (or shareholders) ensures that the sum of his (or their) shares corresponds to the highest percentage among the registered company capital.
Minority Shareholder
It’s a shareholder that doesn’t own the biggest amount of shares in a company and doesn’t deal with fellow shareholders to secure the position of majority.