AI Trader+

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year From The FX Trading Revolution Team!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year From The FX Trading Revolution Team!

Dear traders,

We are taking a break for the holidays starting this week, and we will be back in our usual full work mode on January 3rd. Regular content will still be published in the education section during the holidays, and news on the days when markets will be open.

So, be sure to stay tuned, and as always, you will be able to find everything on our homepage.

We also want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all of those who sent us your valuable feedback via the comments and email. And especially Thank You for all the positive feedback we kept receiving throughout the whole year. This keeps us excited to continue our work and strive to deliver even more value in 2020.

The Fx Trading Revolution website was upgraded on many levels in 2019 - aimed at helping traders on their path to being profitable in the Forex market.

Among others, here are the highlights of 2019 in short:

  • We added over 90 sophisticated new indicators and trading robots (EAs) for Forex traders - ALL AVAILABLE FOR FREE HERE!
  • Our Free Profitable Forex Newsletter has grown further in 2019, and now stands at a gain of +2490 pips!
  • We continued to expand the educational section to cover all aspects of Forex trading - to help traders learn the true information that really matters!
  • We further enhanced the trading strategies section , also covering specific Crypto strategies.
  • We started the HFT Interbank Levels section , where every day we publish the daily HFT levels for the 6 major currencies pairs.
  • We reviewed many more Forex and Crypto brokers to help traders in choosing the best broker for them and stay safe when investing their money.
  • We continued to publish the Weekly Forex Analysis of EURUSD, GBPUSD, and USDJPY every Monday to help traders stay updated on the latest developments in Fx and prepare for each trading day and week.
  • Furthermore, we added the weekly analysis for the Crypto market as well as the weekly review of the most important economic events from the Forex calendar.

The Fx Trading Revolution team will continue to work with sedulous commitment on the goal to aid traders in making a better decision every time they are faced with a choice.

2019 was a smooth ride for the markets, and generally calm for Forex as well. We are looking forward to conquering new challenges and always staying prepared for what’s to come next in the markets.

We all had another great year, thanks mainly to you - our readers!

THANK YOU ALL and we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year!

All the best.

Team FX Trading Revolution

AI Trader+